Over the past few weeks we've been watching the Star Wars saga in order from 1-6... We caught the first one on TV during the 4th of July weekend, and Jordan was hooked, so we decided to splurge and buy the set so we could watch all of them together.
We finished up this week with V and VI. I was reminded how much of a nerd I really am too, because I love these movies. And yes, I enjoy the prequels too, don't hate.
I love watching movies as a family. It's so fun to find things we are all interested in, and look forward to doing together. I think next we're going to get caught up on Harry Potter. Charlie and I haven't seen the last one, and Jordan might just be old enough now to be interested. We'll have to start with the first one and go through... I wonder how long that will take? I'll also have to find someone I can borrow those from, I'm not sure I'm willing to spend the dough for all that just yet. :)