Monday, March 3, 2014

Camerashy Week 8: Blue

I love the color blue: blue oceans, blue skys. My car is blue, my house is blue, and my bedroom is blue. I think blue is such a great color for a room, it's so soothing, which is what your bedroom should be.
My bedroom is tones of blue and brown. I have a few different decorative accents placed around the room, and I decided to use this plate as the focal point of my "blue" submission this week.

It sits on top of my armoire with some candle sticks. When our cats lived inside they used to jump up there and I was always so afraid it would get knocked down and break, but it survived. I love the details of the lining. It's funny, things you pic up along the way that become pieces you grow to love and will keep forever. I think this might be one of them.

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