Saturday, March 17, 2012

P52 Week 11 - The 'Eyes' of March

Nothing exciting planned this week, just hanging around at home. The weather was great though, one of the few times of the year in Fl that I remember how much I love driving with the windows down and hanging out outside, that is, until the horrible heat and humidity set in in a few weeks and I wish I lived in Alaska...

I got some great shots of Jordan on the swing set in the backyard one afternoon, and used him for my 'eyes' picture. I love his big brown eyes. They always make me melt. Why is it that boys get blessed with big long eyelashes while girls are left to cover theirs in mascara.

The first shot is the one I thought I would use for the P52 challenge this week, but I'm in love with the second picture. He's in a phase right now where he always wants to make silly faces at the camera. In order to get a nice smile, I have to promise to let him take one with a silly face next. And of course, he has to look at it right away... This is not a child to shy away from the camera.

April is shaping up nicely with plans. Soccer starts the first weekend and goes through the beginning of June, so we are looking forward to that. It's the first sport he'll play, but in this family I can guarantee it won't be the last.


  1. He does have the eyelashes! I never get tired of my kids eyes either.
    Cute photos!

  2. Great eyelashes. The girls will be jealous.
