Thursday, March 29, 2012

P52 Week 13 - Details

Lot's of fun this week, but also a lot of changes. Hubby started a new work shift. It comes with a promotion, so it's worth it, but it means we only get to be off one day together each week, Sundays... So I've been doing what I do best, working out the details. I'm a total control freak (shhh... don't tell anyone) and planning helps me calm anxiety and frustration, so that's what I've been working on this week. Figuring out how to juggle food, cleaning, and errands so that on Sundays all we have to do is hang out and enjoy each other.

But, that doesn't really pose great picture taking opportunities so I've decided to use a picture I took at Seaworld this week. On Sunday we got to attend a special breakfast with Jack Hanna that was only for pass holders. I loved Jack Hanna growing up, watching him at noon on Saturday mornings. When I was in school I wanted to be a zookeeper, and he was a great influence in that. Of course that didn't happen, but I still love animals and I think I could hang out at Seaworld all day every day and not get bored.

I took this picture of a lizard (not a typical Seaworld animal) while we were watching the dolphins. I love the detail in the picture, so that's why I used it for my P52 post this week. After it, I've posted some of my other favorites from the day. Now just waiting for Sunday for some family time!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

P52 Week 12 - Hunger

Late with my post this week, but still getting it in under the wire. This week was trouble for me. I know it was Hunger because of The Hunger Games, which I actually just got into and ended up reading all three books in the past two weeks, just finishing on Thursday; but that's not what I think of when I think of Hunger. I think of food. Which isn't surprising, because I'm always thinking of food. And when I'm not thinking of food, I'm probably thinking about trying not to think about food....

I don't get too hungry, I don't let myself unfortunately, which is something that actually made me pretty sad when I thought about it this week, so I've decided to challenge myself this week. When I feel "hungry" (which probably means I'm bored) I'm going to wait at least 30 minutes before allowing myself anything to eat. Then, if I'm still hungry, I'll think about it again.

My most often time to get hungry is at night. I work until around 10pm so once I'm home and settling down, my brain tells me I need a snack. So that's what I took a picture of this week.  A pick of an open fridge in the dark, ready for me to find something that I don't really need to eat...

For a hard picture week, it really did make me think about some things that need some changing...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

P52 Week 11 - The 'Eyes' of March

Nothing exciting planned this week, just hanging around at home. The weather was great though, one of the few times of the year in Fl that I remember how much I love driving with the windows down and hanging out outside, that is, until the horrible heat and humidity set in in a few weeks and I wish I lived in Alaska...

I got some great shots of Jordan on the swing set in the backyard one afternoon, and used him for my 'eyes' picture. I love his big brown eyes. They always make me melt. Why is it that boys get blessed with big long eyelashes while girls are left to cover theirs in mascara.

The first shot is the one I thought I would use for the P52 challenge this week, but I'm in love with the second picture. He's in a phase right now where he always wants to make silly faces at the camera. In order to get a nice smile, I have to promise to let him take one with a silly face next. And of course, he has to look at it right away... This is not a child to shy away from the camera.

April is shaping up nicely with plans. Soccer starts the first weekend and goes through the beginning of June, so we are looking forward to that. It's the first sport he'll play, but in this family I can guarantee it won't be the last.

Friday, March 9, 2012

P52 Week 10 - Be Still

This week's theme, Be Still. I struggled with ideas for this one, for very little in my life is still. But, I did get a picture of a bee while picking some local strawberries on Thursday, and since I'm usually frozen in fear around bees (I have never been stung and the fear of the unknown is overwhelming around bees and wasps!) I figured I'd use that as my pic for the week.

Jordan and I did have a great time picking strawberries, one of the perks of living in central Florida this time of year. So yummy....

Friday, March 2, 2012

P52 Week 9 - A Great Leap

So my leap day this year was pretty exciting. The Magic Kingdom was open for 24 hours and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a part of something really exciting in a place I love so much.
We didn't make it the entire 24 hours, but we did go from 8:00am - 4:00am and that's pretty good, especially with a 5 year old in tow.

I took plenty of pictures, but just posted four of them below. A really cool button we all got for being there in the morning, a picture of me and Jordan in front of the castle, the awesome shirt I bought and wore that night, and a shot of the fireworks that marked hour 12 in our 20 hour excursion.

A great Leap was this weeks P52 theme, and I think I took that, taking a 5 year old for some crazy Disney fun for 20 hours. I'm still recuperating from not only being up that long, but walking for most of it, but it was such a blast. I'm so glad we did it!!