Friday, April 25, 2014 Week 16: Nature & Wildlife - Water (Long Exposure)

You'd think in living in Florida I'd have a massive amount of water options to pick from, but living in "Lake"land, most of my local options are standing water and the beach is just a little too far away for me to manage a visit this week.
We do have a local garden nearby though, with beautiful landscaping. Within it is an area with a water feature of rocks into a lily pool. It's shaded, which made it easier to get a longer shutter time and not overexpose my picture - which is NOT to say that this week was easy. It was actually quite the opposite.
Here's my official submission:
Here's some other pictures I took of all the plants and flowers, and a shot of my special helper of the day :-)

Camerashy Week 16: Formless

"The fog comes on little cat feet" - Carl Sandburg
Fog is formless, filling in spaces around it.
I love the way fog changes the look of your surroundings. As a kid I loved the idea of the clouds coming down to earth in the morning.
As always I'm struggling with which picture to choose this week.
Here's the official submission:

Here's the two other photos I was choosing between. I like all three for different reasons.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Week 15: Container

I had a few container ideas for this week, but ended up liking this set up the best when looking over the photos. This is probably my husband's favorite container in the house, when it's not empty.

CameraShy Week 15: Classic

Classic - such a simple word, but so many different ways to represent it.
As usual, I have to start shooting to get some inspiration. While I was thinking of different "classic" things, I saw the shaker in my dining room and had my idea. What's more classic than a traditional martini? Of course, this one was shaken - not stirred, but don't tell James that I used vodka because I'm not much of a gin fan ;-)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

CameraShy Challenge Week 14: Peephole

The first thing I wanted to photograph when I saw this week's theme was the doorknob from Alice in Wonderland. It's somewhere on the Disney property, I know, but I wasn't going to find it this week so I had to come up with some alternative options.
I ended up with two choices. The first is a picture of "our" cardinal through my dining room window. He and his lady eat at our feeder every day, but catching a picture outside is almost impossible. They are both so aware of my presence when I try to sneak out and get a good shot. I was able to snap this from inside as they ate one day this week. 

The second picture is the one I submitted. I was walking around the backyard looking for further inspiration when I noticed the hole in the top of Jordan's picnic table. Here's a pic of the whole table, just for perspective.
Looking through the hole in the middle, I saw the clover growing and had my shot. I had to take a few to get the positioning right, but I ended up liking this a little better than picture one. I think it just fit the theme a little nicer.

Saturday, April 12, 2014 Week 14: Composition - Rule of Thirds

There's a few nature trails within about 30 minutes of where I live and when I get a chance, and it's not to hot, I love to go walk through them. This week after I picked up my son from school we went for a little hike. We caught some great pictures as always.

This little guy was having an afternoon snack and was great to stay for a few minutes so I could get a shot of him. I love butterflies and it's always a great treat to get one that will let you take it's picture.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Camerashy Week 13: Delicate


So every time I thought I had a good idea for this weeks theme, someone else posted it first. I know my picture would be different, but I want to make sure I don't just copy another idea so I usually try to regroup and think of something else. I took a few pictures this week. Delicate glass figurines, delicate tender new leaves... In the end I chose a delicate spider web that I found on a hike in a nearby wild preserve.

Here's my official submission. I've posted the "rejects" below. Week 13: Landscape - Vanishing Road

This was a fun challenge. It made me get out of the house and drive all over town. It's interesting what you end up seeing when you are looking more closely on the roads you drive every day.
Here's the shot I submitted:

Here are two of my alternative shots that I didn't go with, but still like. I also found an awesome tree that was just begging to have it's picture taken.